• info@the-bureau.org.uk
  • 01457 865 722

Befriending Project

What is Befriending?

Our Befriending Service matches a Volunteer Befriender with a Befriendee for regular social contact. This can include visits, calls, or a mix of both. Our Befrienders are caring individuals who are there to provide companionship and support.

You might:

      • Meet for a coffee or a walk in the park

      • Have a chat in the comfort of your own home or garden

      • Support a client with a hobby or interest they are no longer able to do on their own

    And the best part? The service is completely free!

    " ...healthy networks of social connection provide powerful protective health effects, increasing odds of long-term survival by 50%. My simplest advice is: if you want a friend, be a friend."

    Why is the Befriending Service right for you?

    Loneliness and isolation can impact our mental and emotional well-being. At The Bureau, we understand that everyone can experience moments of feeling alone. Our Befriending Service aims to reduce the stress of loneliness, increase confidence, and empower individuals to maintain their independence.

    Having a Volunteer Befriender can help people to feel more connected to their communities, better supported and less alone. Being matched with a volunteer befriender can provide an immensely positive impact in many people’s lives involving an encouraging, reliable and trusting relationship.

    Befriending can also be beneficial in that it helps reduce the burden on other services, which may have otherwise been used to seek social contact.

    "Being paired up with my befriender is the best thing to happen to me in years. I look forward to their visit every week, and the hours of chatting that follows. I’ve also noticed that things have really improved for me since. We’ve done that much talking about Glossop, that I’ve recently faced my fears and have been helped to get out of the house and down the street again, which has been amazing. In no small part thanks to my befriender."

    What are the benefits of volunteering as a Befriender?

    Befriending brings so many good things! It helps you connect with others, making you feel part of a community – it may even help you make new friends!

    It also makes you feel good mentally and physically, and boost your confidence and wellbeing. It gives you a sense of purpose and keeps you healthy. Plus, it can teach you skills that might help with your job and look great on your CV.

    Most importantly, Befriending brings joy and satisfaction as you see the positive impact you have on others.

    I consider myself a bit of a ‘befriending newbie’ having only been doing it for a few months, but I absolutely love the person I go to!! We have set routines now and I always end up staying longer than planned because the time just flies by – especially when we start dancing! I went to their birthday party the other month and met all the family – but honestly already felt part of it myself due to how well we got on from the start.

    Next Steps ....

    If you or someone you know could benefit from Befriending, or you’d like to volunteer as a Befriender contact us today!

    We are here to support our community and provide companionship to those who need it most.

    For more information, please contact Faith or Olivia at 01457 865722 or  e-mail them on faith@the-bureau.org.uk or olivia@the-bureau.org.uk. 

    Join us in spreading joy and companionship to those in need!

    Befriending Coordinator
    Befriending Coordinator & Bright Perspectives Administrator
    Support your Local Community Wellbeing charity with a one-off or regular donation

    Click the link below to go to our donations page, where you can choose your amount, frequency of donation and what you might like your money to do!