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Travel Experiences Survey
We have been contacted by Campaign to Protect Rural England, asking us to recruit some participants to complete their Travel Experiences in Glossopdale Survey. Please see the information below from Anne Robinson:
“As a local resident of Glossopdale would you be willing to share your everyday local travel experiences?
As CPRE Peak District we undertook a survey last year on the future of Glossopdale. The most frequent concern of local people is to see a reduction in the impact of cars and lorries. We are following up that result by inviting local people to share their local everyday travel experiences and thoughts about how the impacts of traffic and travel might be reduced. All the responses would inform a study to be undertaken by a professional transport planner which would be used to influence future decisions about how we all travel. We are using this questionnaire (click to download) which takes about 15 to 20 mins. You can return this to me at but if you’d rather have a phone call to talk it through then I can arrange that. It would be great if you had the time to contribute and many thanks if you do.
Deadline is Feb 28th.
Anne Robinson
Transport Campaigner