• info@the-bureau.org.uk
  • 01457 865 722

Free Course for Volunteers

Are you over the age of 16 and support adults in your volunteering role or are you thinking about volunteering with adults? Then this FREE course is just for you!

The Derbyshire County Council Volunteer Passport course offers you an opportunity to build on your existing skills, and if you are thinking about a future career working with adults, a Volunteer Passport can help give you confidence and open doors.

The course is held over fiveevenings and led by an experienced Tutor. The next course starts Thursday 27th April 2017  6-9pm at Glossop Adult Education Centre on Talbot Street. On completion, you will be awarded a Volunteer Passport and a photo ID badge to show that you are an approved volunteer by Derbyshire County Council

What will it cover?
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Keeping adults safe
  • First Aid
  • Health and safety
  • Putting people first

Want to know more please contact Janice at the Bureau on 01457 865722 janice@localhost or go to www.derbyshire.gov.uk/passport for more details.

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